Venice Boulevard Transforms Into Cyclist's Haven for CicLAvia's 51st Open Streets Celebration
Sunday, April 21, 2024 at 09:17PM
Fabian Lewkowicz

In an exuberant display of wheels, smiles, and community spirit, thousands of cyclists of all ages took to Venice Boulevard on Sunday, April 21, 2024, for the 51st Los Angeles Open Streets Event, CicLAvia—Venice Blvd.

In a colorful stream, the throngs of participants pedaled the car-free stretch from Venice Beach to Culver City, exploring the neighborhoods in a unique, pavement-bound parade. CicLAvia, the non-profit organization that has championed these open street events since 2010, once again proved its dedication to creating dynamic public spaces.

The event, presented by Metro, transformed Venice Boulevard into a bustling corridor of activity where participants enjoyed the freedom of movement and community engagement. Families with children in tow, avid cyclists, and casual riders shared the road, along with those on roller skates and skateboards, all enjoying the street’s transformation into a temporary pop-up park.

The open streets concept not only encourages physical activity and sustainable transportation but also fosters a sense of community as it invites Angelenos to socialize, exercise, and enjoy the cityscape from a fresh perspective. As a nod to the environmental benefits, CicLAvia events help to highlight alternative modes of transport and the joy of a shared community experience devoid of motor vehicle traffic.

Attendees were also encouraged to use CicLAvia's digital map to discover local businesses, activities, and special hubs along the route, ensuring that the community's vibrancy was felt by all, from local entrepreneurs to first-time visitors.

CicLAvia has not only become a hallmark of Los Angeles' cultural calendar but also stands as North America's largest open streets event. Its success has been mirrored in cities across the United States—from Portland to New York to San Francisco—as well as internationally in Bogotá, Mexico City, Guadalajara, Quito, and Melbourne, promoting a global movement of open streets initiatives.

The event on April 21 is a testament to the enduring appeal of CicLAvia and its vision of streets as public parks, fostering healthier, more connected communities. As the streets returned to their usual rhythm with the close of the day, the memories of shared joy and community remained, pedaling forward the anticipation for the next CicLAvia event.

Article originally appeared on Santa Monica Close-up (
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